

Hi 👋

I am Muhammad. AI/ML Engineer with an Electrical Engineering background. I enjoy experimenting with building cool computer vision 👀 models .

Contact Information


Machine Learning & Data Science:
📊 Data Manipulation: Pandas
💻 Machine Learning Libraries: Scikit-Learn, TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch
📈 Statistical Modeling: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression
🤖 Natural Language Processing: Text Analysis and Language Understanding
📉 Data Visualization: Matplotlib, Seaborn

Programming Expertise:
🔧 Version Control: GitHub
👨‍💻 Languages: MATLAB, C, Python, VB (Visual Basic)

Software Proficiency:
🧑‍💻 Development Environments: Visual Studio Code, RStudio, Jupyter Notebook
📊 Data Visualization: Tableau
🛠️ Engineering Design: AutoCAD
⚡ Electrical Engineering: ETAP
📝 Productivity: Microsoft Office Suite

Download My Resume


🏠 Predicting House Prices Using the Ames Housing Dataset

This project focuses on building a regression model to predict house prices using the Ames Housing Dataset. The primary metric for model evaluation is the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Linear regression serves as the main modeling approach, but other regression techniques like Lasso are also explored. Additionally, experiments with Polynomial Features and Scaling are conducted. The performance of each model is documented with its RMSE and R2 scores. The project concludes with an examination of forward selection and backward selection algorithms for determining optimal features, ending with the stepwise algorithm for feature selection. Read More → (opens in a new tab)

🤖 Vision System for Object Detection

In this project, I have created a realtime vision system for object detection. Read More → (opens in a new tab)

💬 Reddit Post Classification

In this project, I built an NLP classification model to classify which subreddit a post comes from. Read More → (opens in a new tab)

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